
Once you have purchased a START or a PREMIUM subscription plan, you can increase your visibility on ereligio through a number of different tools:

Company Account


Catalogue[pdf] 300,00 €
Video 300,00 €
QR code* 50,00 €
Announcement Board* 300,00 €

Product Visibility

Highlights, 30 gg 300,00 €
First of researches, 15 gg 300,00 €
Category Banner Slide, 30 gg 250,00 €
News on the Homepage 200,00 €
Banner on Newsletter, 1 uscita 250,00 €
News on Newsletter, 1 uscita 1.500,00 €


Outlet B2B (+5% on sales revenue)* 100,00 €
Special Offer of the month (website and newsletter) 250,00 €


ereligio START (for each company/brand over the first) 399,00 €
ereligio PREMIUM (for each company/brand over the first) 699,00 €
 *In progress
Extra opportunities are only for advertisers.
If you want to purchase an extra opportunity, please contact