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History and curiosities of religious ceramic majolica plates

Religious majolica ceramic plates have a long history dating back to the Middle Ages. These plates were often decorated with religious motifs such as the Our Lady and Child or scenes from the life of Christ. Many were used as church and mass items to hold the consecrated host or holy water.

Ceramic majolica, also known as glazed ceramic, is a durable and easy-to-clean material, which makes it perfect for liturgical items.

Collectible ceramic plates from Deruta

Religious majolica plates are real collector's items. Thanks to their refinement and elegance, these sacred dishes can be displayed decoratively inside the house or church. Their beauty makes them real pieces of art.

If you are a fan of  eligious items or majolica, you can not miss having in your collection at least one of the religious dishes on ereligio.

The symbolism of religious dishes: a journey between faith and rituality

Every detail on the plates, such as the Our Lady and Child or the scenes from the life of Christ, has a deep meaning for the religious community, for example, the Our Lady and Child represents the divine motherhood and the love of God for all humanity. Similarly, scenes from the life of Christ depicted on the plates can convey spiritual teachings and narrate important events in biblical history.

These may include Jesus' birth, crucifixion, resurrection, or other significant moments in his life. Each scene represents an aspect of Christ's ministry and can serve as a source of inspiration, reflection, and meditation for the faithful.

The presence of these sacred images and scenes on religious plates can also facilitate the emotional and spiritual connection of the faithful with the faith.