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The term 'cassock' is used to refer to the robe worn by priests during religious services. The cassock, in fact,  is a long black cassock that reaches the feet and is recognized as a sign of humility and modesty.

The clerical cassocks on ereligio are made of high quality and precious materials, such as linen and wool. Each cassock is finished with care and attention to detail, to ensure a comfortable fit and durability and ereligio also offers in its selection clerical cassocks in different styles, to meet the personal preferences of those who must use them.

The cassock is worn mainly by Catholic priests, but also used by other religious denominations such as the Anglican Church. In some cases, the color of cassocks may vary depending on the rank of the priest or the religious holiday being celebrated. For example, the Pope wears a white and red cassock during some special ceremonies. It can vary depending on the rank of the priest or the religious holiday being celebrated. For example, the Pope wears a white cassock during some special ceremonies. 

 Cassocks: clerical clothes

Clerical cassocks on ereligio are available in different sizes, to adapt to all physical conformations.

In addition, our religious marketplace also offers other liturgical vestments such as chasubles, stoles, vestments and other garments for the celebration of Mass and main religious functions. In addition on ereligio you can also find accessories such as crosses, chalices and other sacred objects.

In conclusion, if you are a priest or cleric looking for high quality cassocks, our religious articles marketplace is the perfect solution for you.