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Sacred saucers are objects of great importance in religious celebrations, as they are used for multiple purposes. In addition to the brass candleholders, which create an atmosphere of prayer and meditation, there are also concave saucers, used for the offertory during mass. These small sacred objects can be made of different materials such as brass, silver or gold and decorated with religious symbols such as the crucifix, Our Lady or other saints.

The choice of material and decoration often depends on the style of the religious building and the taste of the parish priest or priest celebrating the function. Despite their small size, the sacred plates have a great symbolic value and represent a fundamental element for the celebration of the Catholic liturgy.

Brass candle holders - a classic choice to create an atmosphere of meditation in churches.

Brass candle holders are a classic and elegant choice to create an atmosphere of prayer and meditation in churches. Thanks to their shape and size, these sacred saucers can accommodate different types of candles, creating a soft and relaxing light effect. Brass is also a resistant and long-lasting material, which requires little care and maintenance, making it a practical and economical choice for churches. The offertory plates can be decorated with engravings or religious symbols, such as the crucifix or the Our Lady.

Concave sacred plates for the offertory: symbolism and decoration in these sacred objects.

The concave saucers are one of the most used sacred objects inside the church, as they are used during the celebration of the offertory to collect the offerings of the faithful, which are then brought to the altar during mass.

The decoration of these liturgical supplies is very important, since it represents the respect and devotion that the faithful feel towards their faith.

What are the other fundamental objects for liturgical supplies

In addition to sacred saucers, there are many other objects used in the liturgical supplies of churches. Among these, certainly one of the most important is the altar, which represents the center of the Eucharistic celebration and symbolizes the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.

Next to the altar, we find the tabernacle, which contains the consecrated hosts and represents the place where the Eucharistic Christ present in the assembly resides. Other objects for liturgical supplies are the lecterns, used for reading the sacred scriptures, and the crucifix, which represents the passion and death of Jesus. In addition, churches are often enriched with statues of saints, angels and other religious symbols, which help to create the atmosphere.